Engineer Smart Assembly

à Kortrijk


En sa qualité de centre collectif de l'industrie technologique, Sirris est la référence de confiance pour l'adoption des technologies en Belgique.  Nous aidons les entreprises à réaliser leurs ambitions en matière d'innovation grâce à un soutien pratique. Elles peuvent compter sur 150 experts pluridisciplinaires, un large éventail de labos industriels répartis sur 8 sites dans tout le pays et soutenus par le plus vaste réseau d'innovation du pays. Ainsi, nous aidons chaque année quelque 1.300 entreprises à tirer profit de l'innovation technologique.


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2 Engineers Smart Assembly (Junior and Senior profile)

Do you have experience with automation and affinity with digital applications to bridge the gap between OT and IT in an industrial context?  Do you want to contribute to the development of concrete industrial applications for the manufacturing industry, and the breakthrough of Industry 4.0? This job might be something for you!  To strengthen our "Manufacturing Systems & Technology" team, we are looking for both a junior and a senior Engineer Smart Assembly in Kortrijk (The House of Manufacturing).

Our Manufacturing Systems & Technology team supports companies with both their strategy and the technology to innovate in every link of their production chain (from production, processing, assembly and packaging).

Do you want to contribute to innovation and research with a focus on 'smart assembly' for the manufacturing industry? Are you hands-on to expand proof-of-concepts in our lab with the latest technologies around smart assembly in order to demonstrate the innovation potential for the industry?

As a Smart Assembly Engineer, you will be responsible for setting up and executing demonstration and innovation projects in the domain of data- and vision-driven optimization of assembly and production processes within an Industry 4.0 context.

  • You will execute projects for and at companies within a context of production and assembly (innovative applications in the field of robotics, machining technology, cybersecurity, AI, etc.)

  • You make the potential of human/robot collaboration and machine-vision applications for smart assembly accessible to Belgian companies in the manufacturing industry.

  • You raise awareness among companies about the latest technologies through various media channels.

  • You set up and implement ambitious research projects together with colleagues.

  • You master and maintain the state-of-the-art of the own technology domain, e.g. industrial automation, robotics in general (human/robot collaboration,), machine vision, cybersecurity, AI and the various application domains.

Who are you?

  • You have a bachelor or master's degree in engineering sciences in the field of automation, mechanical engineering, electro mechanics with an affinity for robotics, cybersecurity, AI, data analysis, ...

  • You are interested in the manufacturing industry, a first experience within the manufacturing industry is a plus.

  • You have experience within a production or assembly environment (junior profile- a relevant internship/thesis in such a context is recommended)

  • You are interested in innovative technologies for digitizing and automating a production or assembly environment

  • You preferably have basic knowledge of AI and machine vision, and have notions of programming languages (Java, C#/C++, Python, ROS...) or you are interested in expanding your knowledge about digitization of assembly technology and cyber security aspects of assembly lines

  • You are analytical, can think along with the customer and succeed in converting the customer's needs into pragmatic, tangible solutions

  • You are creative, result-oriented, hands-on and you show interest in making demonstrators and proof-of-concepts

  • You will find yourself in an inspiring environment where, in the long term, you are expected to initiate, supervise and contribute to substantive publications, etc.

  • You have good social skills (in the context of complex multidisciplinary partnerships)

  • You communicate fluently and know how to convince.

  • Your English is excellent, good knowledge of Dutch is a plus. (or willing to learn Dutch in a short timeframe)

What do we offer?

As a Sirris expert, you actively participate in top projects at Belgian companies. You build up a body of knowledge and experience in the most advanced technologies. Every day you have the satisfaction of knowing that you are doing pioneering work. In short, you deliver innovative work in its purest form.

Flexible work, personal development and an environment where collaboration is of central importance - that is typical for Sirris. We offer an attractive salary package that is fully in line with your job and experience.

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